Baga Novo

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Albano, José, and Manuel Costa founded their winery in 1920, naming it after São João, the patron saint of the region of Bairrada. This Carmelite monk was responsible for initiating the construction of the Bussaco Monastery in 1628. Initially, they set out to make Port wines, wanting to cash in on the boom in demand for Port. A 1930 ruling prohibited the bottling of Port wines outside of the Vila Nova de Gaia area, where the port shippers still conduct business today, and Caves São João turned to the production of still wines from the Bairrada and Dão regions. Later, realizing Bairrada’s potential for producing world-class white and sparkling wines, they hired the French winemaker Gaston Mainousson to spearhead Bairrada’s establishment as the preeminent region for sparkling wines in Portugal. With help from Mainousson, the brothers launched there brands: Caves São João (which made wines from Bairrada and Dão), Frei João from Bairrada and Porta dos Cavaleiros from the Dão. Ultimately, these brands became ubiquitous in the Portuguese wine scene of the 20th century.

100% Baga



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